TSV Surgical Kit with Gold Drills

Dríva™ Gold Series Drills

Designed for high performance and excellent cutting efficiency, Dríva Gold Series Drills are reusable, externally irrigated, and compatible with existing surgical protocols for TSX,® Trabecular Metal,® Tapered Screw-Vent,® and Eztetic® Implants.





Features & Benefits

1. Efficient

• Deep cutting flutes designed for improved cutting efficiency compared to the original Dri­va Drills

• Biocompatible ceramic coating increases hardness and durability

2. Compatible

• Familiar soft- and dense-bone protocol are used for osteotomy preparation

• Black axial stripe on select drills indicates compatibility with Drill Stops

3. Convenient

• Solid construction facilitates easy cleaning and sterilization

• Gold color provides excellent visibility of grooves and bands that indicate drilling depth

Additional Information

Customer Service & Technical Support

At ZimVie Dental, our focus is always on you. Priority attention is the hallmark of our service commitment, and we stand ready to offer you an unprecedented level of service and personalized solutions.